Thursday, May 04, 2006

So, What's New?

So, rumors. Yes, it's the official week of rumors. The week before E3 always has been like that.

A few rumors have caught my eye. I'll tell you the cool ones that might kick ass. Also, know, some of these rumors may have been proven wrong or right. If this is the case, please tell me.

First rumor: The PS3, which comes with a 60 GB HDD, will cost $399. Now, even if the Xbox 360 is already priced at $399, that's still a pretty hefty price (as opposed to the normally expected price of $299 for new consoles). The only thing I hope with this rumor, if it's true, is that Sony DOES NOT offer more then one version of their console. I don't want game companies to be limited because some gamers don't have a HDD in their PS3.

The rumor was actually offered by Playstation Magazine, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Besides, we're suppose to here the official price on the 8th. That's 4 days away.

As for news, We're going to see the DS Lite here on the 11th of June for $129.99, Bethesda's game Oblivion has be rerated M instead of T because of some nude skins in it, EA claims it'll have a playable demo of Madden for the Wii and PS3(I'm interested in seeing what the Wii one's like), Of course no Diablo 3 at E3, nor will we see anything about Fallout 3 (currently being made by Bethesda), and the rumor of Nintendo not having a patent on 'Wii' is false.

Also, as always, Peter Moore is an idiot. He's quoted in Newsweek saying: "If the controller is different and innovative; fine. But I would say that Xbox Live is the bigger innovation. It depends on your definition of innovative. If having a DVD style controller defines innovation; great. I would argue that talking millions of gamers and connecting them with friends and strangers around the world... I'd call that pretty innovative."

Sorry to break it to you, buddy, but people were gaming on the PC with systems like Gamespy and (as well as many others) long before Xbox Live came around. And, they were/are doing it for free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope the PS3 doesn't cost that much, but even if it does, Adam will doubtlessly buy it and tons of games to go along with it. The whole two version thing with PS2 bothers me. We tried to get an official Sony 4-player hook up, but they only have them for the skinny PS2. Hopefully the one we got (which isn't official) will work as well.

As for the X-Box 360... people are morons. Microsoft just wanted to get into another market, and while a few of their games are good, you can get usually get versions that are just as good or better for your PC. I refuse to pay money to play games with other people. It goes against my empty wallet. Plus, it's stupid to pay when there are so many games you can play online with others for free.